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So, you’re looking to relocate to NYC while you are working remotely. We are going to talk about some of the best locations to live in NYC if you work remotely. Considering the fact that NYC is huge, there are a lot of places where you might feel right at home. Depending on your personal preferences, budget, and other factors, you will choose a different location. We are here to help you out with that. Today we will talk about some of the most popular locations in NYC for people who don’t have to leave their homes in order to accomplish their work tasks. Make sure that you read through all of our suggestions so you can make a proper decision for yourself. Here are some of the best locations we think you will love if you end up moving there, simply because they are great for remote work.

Considering your budget limitations first

Before you decide on the location you will move to and before you hire professional movers NYC, let’s talk about how important it is for you to know how to handle your budget limitations. First and foremost, it’s pivotal that you know how much you can spend for your move and your rent. This is something we recommend that you do as soon as you realize that you are going to be moving. It will also be a lot easier for you to choose your new location if you know how much money you can shell out for your rent.

A calculator helping you calculate where you can live in NYC if you work remotely
If you wish to live in NYC if you work remotely, you will need to consider your budget limitations first

Whether you’re looking for movers Jersey City NJ or local NYC movers isn’t really something that will significantly change your budget dispersity. You should look into the renting prices of apartments in the location you are interested in and compare them to your savings and income. Even though this might seem like something trivial that all people do, you would be surprised. It can be easy to exceed your budget limitations if you are not careful enough. NYC is an expensive city to live in, so we suggest that you extensively research the location you are looking to move to.

Brooklyn is a great place to live in NYC if you work remotely

If you are a young adult who is looking to move to NYC, we suggest that you move to Brooklyn. A lot of older folks have been hiring movers NYC to NJ so they could live in a calmer place. If you are looking to move to a place with lots of urban happenings and events, we can’t recommend Brooklyn enough. In recent times, it has become a lot safer than it used to be. Now you don’t have to worry about walking alone at night in Brooklyn, as you will be safe since the crime rate has significantly dropped. There are many different cultures residing in Brooklyn, and that’s why it’s such a great place to live in. You will be able to meet a lot of different people and learn about their culture and cuisine.

As one of the most popular neighborhoods in the whole country, Brooklyn is surely a great place for you to move to


If you wish to live in a one-of-a-kind place in New York, we suggest that you hire movers Dumbo NYC. Dumbo stands for “Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass”.  It is a neighborhood where there a lot of people who work at their startup or remotely. Cobblestone streets give off an amazing atmosphere, and a lot of tourists come to Dumbo so they could explore this unique part of New York. There are a lot of boutiques, bookstores, and art galleries for you to visit here. It is going to be impossible for you to get bored here. There is so much to do and see in Dumbo that you will be surprised. Even though it might seem like a small neighborhood, it has a lot to offer. We also have to mention that the crime rate is really low here as well, so no need to worry.

Brooklyn bridge
Dumbo is incredibly unique


Another great place for someone who works remotely is Williamsburg. It is a part of Brooklyn that is really attractive for a lot of young people who are working remotely. It has a lot of urban shops, clubs, and galleries that you can visit. If you are someone who loves enjoying different foods, then we simply suggest that you immediately hire movers Williamsburg NYC. There are so many different restaurants here that you will need at least a couple of hundred dinners in order to try them all. Williamsburg is also relatively cheap to live in. If you are on the lower side of the budget spectrum, you can easily find an apartment to rent for a much cheaper price than you might have initially thought. Even if you can’t afford it, there are many people who are looking for a roommate in Williamsburg, so keep an eye out


When we’re talking about the best places to live in NYC if you work remotely, we must mention Manhattan. It is the epicenter of action when it comes to the corporate world and happenings in the world. Even if you don’t have to go to your work physically, you will still have a lot of benefits if you end up moving to Manhattan. You might want to change your working habits in the future, and if that happens, you will be situated in one of the best parts of the city, job-wise. There are so many possibilities for young professionals to progress their careers in a much easier way than they would have at other locations.  Manhattan has always been a great choice for people to move to in NYC. Even though it is quite expensive, if you can afford it, we really recommend that you think about coming here. You will experience something only people who live in Manhattan can.