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Being healthy is one of the most important things in life. You must do a couple of things to be healthy such as eating a lot of vegetables and fruit, exercising, sleeping enough, etc. If you are working 9 to 5 and spending at least another one-hour commuting, it’s hard to find time and energy to go to the gym. For this reason, the better option would be to have a gym at your home. Now, if you never had a home gym before, you might not know how to make one. According to most moving companies Manhattan has to offer, a home gym can be anything from having a yoga mat to a treadmill. How you are going to set up your gym at home after relocation will depend on a couple of factors. For this reason, here are a few tips for setting up a home gym in Manhattan.  

Setting up a home gym in Manhattan – where to begin?  

There are many benefits of having a home gym. First, you don’t have to leave your home. It’s more convenient to just go to the next room than to travel to the gym. This way, you will be saving your time and money. For this reason, it’s much easier to have your own gym at home. After movers NYC finished unloading all of your stuff, you should choose a place perfect place and start building a home gym. Well, it depends on a couple of factors such as your budget, apartment size, workout program, etc. If you are just starting to exercise, you don’t have to buy all the fancy and expensive gym equipment. For this reason, when you want to set up a gym at your home, you should do the following:  

  • Choose the room  
  • Make a plan  
  • Get supplies  
black and grey room with machines
The home gym doesn’t have to be big

How to choose a room for your home gym?  

Usually, people choose one room for their home gym. However, if you are moving to Manhattan with Manhattan residential movers, you know that Manhattan apartments are usually very small. You practically don’t have room to choose from. For this reason, you can turn one corner of your room into a gym. You don’t have to have fancy gym equipment to exercise regularly. For example, cardio workouts are very effective and you only have some free space in your home. Also, there are good workout tutorials on social media that don’t use any equipment. However, if you have a spare room to turn into your home gym, you should choose a room with enough natural light and airflow. Many people also choose a basement for a home gym. Any room is good for your home gym.   

Make a plan   

Everything is easier to do with a good plan. This is why you also made a plan when you were moving with local movers Manhattan. Now, you need to make one for your home gym. First, you should set up your budget. A home gym can cost almost nothing to very expensive. It all depends on will you buy gym equipment, paint walls, etc. Usually, you will need to spend about $1000 to $2000 to set up a home gym. It might seem like a lot of money and not cost-effective. However, people usually spend about $200 a month on gym membership and transport costs. So, you will pay off your home gym in a year. Additionally, you will probably work out more regularly and skip training less. It’s much easier to get to another room than to travel to your current gym, especially during winter when it’s cold.   

woman is making a plan for setting up a home gym in Manhattan
Think carefully and make a plan

What gym equipment should you get?  

There is a lot of different gym equipment. You don’t need to get all of them for your home. Which one to buy will depend on your workout routine or your plans. If you are planning to gain muscle, then you should consider getting a preacher bench, leg press machine, pull-up bar, etc. Preacher bench costs somewhere between $50 to $150 depending on features. If you want to do weightlifting exercises, then you should invest in dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, etc. The best home workout machines for weight loss are treadmills, stationary bikes, steppers, etc. Now, some of these gym machines are not cheap. For example, a good treadmill that is easy to use and lasts a long-time cost somewhere between $1500 to $3000. The price for a stationary bike goes from $300 to $3000. Therefore, you should first invest in just one machine and see how you like it.   

Think about the gym layout  

After you decided what gym equipment you are getting, it’s time to think about layout and decoration. As you will get a couple of dumbbells of different weights, you should also get a dumbbell rack. This way, your dumbbells will be in one place and not all over the room. The same story goes for smaller gym supplies such as exercise bands. Also, you should add a shelf where you will keep towels and a bin for training clothes. Machines that work on electricity, you should put close to sockets on the wall. This way, you will avoid using an extension cord and making a mess on the floor. Also, you should add a bench or couch when you need to take a break. It’s not a bad idea to get tv or speakers in your home gym. You can watch a movie or listen to music while working out. 

dumbbells of different colors
Plan a layout before you start setting up a home gym in Manhattan.

Finishing touches  

Setting up a home gym in Manhattan is not hard. If you are not planning on setting up a really professional home gym, then you only need to get a couple of gym equipment pieces. Additionally, you should also know how to use these machines. You can learn by yourself based on instructions or video tutorials. Another option is to hire a personal trainer. If you decided to start working out seriously, you should also think about your diet. There are diets for weight loss, muscle gain, etc.Â