Having the opportunity to relocate your business from one place to another, is not something that happens every day. And for that reason, you should do it correctly. Mistakes that can happen in that process, might lead to huge consequences. And you need to prevent these things from happening. So, because of this, while you are still on time, you must plan a long distance office relocation. Without a good plan, and a good organization, you won’t be able to do it successfully. Even though commercial movers NYC has will be in charge of this relocation, there are some things you should do by yourself. Or at least to help them out as much as you can. It is your office we are talking about. But either way, in just four simple steps your office view will change completely. And with good movers, you won’t have to worry about anything.
To even plan a long distance office relocation you will have to find your new place first
Even though you might never think of it, the location of your office is quite important. It is a place where you spend the most time of your day. And a place where you are every single day, of course. Imagine if your office window had a view of some other building. And each day you would only get to see that same, boring view. It actually affects lots of things. Your creativity, your mood, and many other things as well. Of course, the indoor of your office is also important. The way you design it and decorate it, affects your work, even though you don’t realize it at first.

What many people that are quite successful in their business suggest, is to get an office where you will have a nice view that can change. For instance, looking at the park, or mountains is much better than looking in another building, right? Because of this, before you even start searching for long distance movers NYC has, you should find a perfect location for your future office. Don’t just take the first offer that you get.
Your second step is to find the best movers you can for this relocation
Having the opportunity to relocate your office, especially long-distance, is not something that happens that often. And because of this, you need to do it according to a plan. Moving without moving professionals is definitely a mistake you shouldn’t make. Any sort of moving, and especially an office one. Because of this, before you start packing your office materials and equipment, you must find people who will deal with the relocation first.
The best method here you can use is, of course, a word-of-mouth one. Some of your colleagues, friends, or relatives can actually suggest to you a moving company that is suitable for your requirements. If you don’t get any luck with that, there is always the internet. Finding professional movers NYC has is not that hard. But you need to be aware of the scammers though. Make sure your moving company is licensed, and that they have the insurance. That is, for sure, the most important thing.

When you plan a long distance office relocation, it is very important that you get your moving estimate before you agree on anything
One way to understand if your moving company is real, or they are just scammers is, of course, the moving estimate. Especially when we are talking about a long-distance relocation. So, basically, the moving estimate is a calculation that will tell you approximately the price of your move. And when it is about a long-distance one, it is calculated a little bit differently than as it is for a local one. So, firstly, your movers will see the number of things you are going to relocate, and they will have to weigh them. Usually, that is done when you are already completely packed. According to the weight, they will give you an offer and tell you how much approximately that would be.
Now, this is, of course, not everything they are counting in. Another thing that they also check out is how hard would it be to load your belongings from your office to their truck, and to another office. If for instance there are too many stairs, if it isn’t easily accessible, and so on. And in the end, location also matters, but it is not calculated according to it.
One more step left before you begin your relocation, and it is the most important one – to pack everything up
Packing is a part of a relocation that is, for sure, the most time-consuming one. You can’t do a relocation without packing, right? And it takes a lot of time. Because of this reason, many people take the packing service NYC movers provide people with. So can you. But, not everyone likes their private things being touched or anything. It is also completely fine if you do it by yourself. And not to mention, you will also save your money. Packing is a long process, but it is not that hard. You just need to be careful with fragile things, and you must do it in some order, so you prevent clutter in your future office while unpacking. For this to do, you will need:
- Sturdy cardboard boxes, or plastic ones.
- Bubble wrap or other wrapping paper.
- Scissors, a marker, and duct tape.
- Styrofoam balls for extra protection.
- A good plan for your packing.
Once you have everything from that list, you can start. While you pack, make sure you get rid of the things that you don’t use anymore, or that are broken, and so on. This is a perfect opportunity and time to do it. Also, make sure you don’t overpack your boxes, you don’t want to cause some damages.

And in the end, make sure you treat yourself and decorate your office how you always wanted
After you successfully plan a long distance office relocation make sure to have a place where you spend at least eight hours to be comfy and cozy. You want to have something to calm you down if you are stressing much. A little corner where you want to rest when you need it, or drink coffee. And don’t let those walls be empty. It can be quite depressing. Be creative and make an interesting office. If you want, look up some ideas before you start purchasing your new furniture and decorations.