Corporate relocations are demanding endeavors. You have to be prepared for the inevitable downtown period during which your business will be on hold. What comes as stressful for many business owners are delays that are more common than not during the move. However, there are things you can do to minimize downtime during a corporate move in Manhattan. One of them is hiring reliable movers who are capable of doing all the work revolving around corporate relocation and making it stress-free right from the start. You can contact us at Teddy Moving and Storage once you set a date for your business relocation. We offer all the services you require and provide top-notch assistance for the duration of a move!
Tips for minimizing downtime during a corporate Manhattan move
To minimize the downtime as much as possible, you need a plan you’ll stick to. Sit down with your business partners and discuss all matters. Put everything on a paper or whiteboard. Come up with an approximate relocation budget, and also set aside some extra money just in case. The final moving cost will depend on other services you add. Once you have financial matters solved, everything else will seem like a breeze. Another thing to consider is all the other additional duties you have to attend to, even while moving. Running a household, and raising a family often take up much more time than you think. Therefore, you must make sure to stay realistic when curating a moving schedule. Rest time must be included in order to complete all tasks for that day.

The thorough organization will make your moving process much less overwhelming. However, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have trouble organizing everything. This is why it’s good to inquire about commercial movers Manhattan companies have on offer. They provide help with relocation planning, budget planning, and all the assistance you need in order to minimize downtime during a corporate move in Manhattan. By staying on track with the budget and the moving schedule, you’re making sure your move runs much faster. In turn, you don’t have to worry about whether or not to extend a downtime period.
Hire a reputable moving company with rich experience in commercial relocations
Go online and browse commercial movers NYC has on the market. Search for licensed movers that offer commercial moving and storage services. Full-service movers are most likely to have the best service quality. Hiring them is also a time-saving solution since you don’t have to bother searching for different services. Plus, you’ll start moving much sooner
If your move is about to last a bit longer, then Manhattan long distance movers are the ones to contact for help. You can choose from an array of reputable Manhattan moving companies that keep the service quality high, while the prices remain modest. What you should pay attention to when hiring movers is their storage offer. Your commercial move, whether local or long-distance, can’t go without safe storage space. Once you know that your office inventory, archives, and equipment are safe, you’ll worry less and focus more on other things from your list.
Reduce the workload for your movers
The next step to minimize downtime during a corporate move in Manhattan is hiring one of the best commercial movers Manhattan companies have on offer, the next step is to pack what you can. While movers are the ones to handle all your items, it’s time-saving to get at least some items ready for the move by yourself. Start with smaller items, then proceed with bigger, light-weight ones. Put them inside bigger boxes. Books and small-sized heavier items should go into small moving boxes. Next, move the boxes as close to the entrance routes as possible, and make sure there are no items on the floors to trip over while carrying boxes and furniture. That way, your movers will spend less time around your items and complete the move sooner than planned.

Divide your commercial move into phases
When you set the phases for your move, it’ll be easier for you to track the progress:
- Hiring movers and storage.
- Decluttering, shopping for supplies.
- Packing and preparing the space for the movers.
- Transportation and unpacking.
You can add more phases if you feel like it. However, try not to overdo it, since you’re more likely to get bored of the move if there are too many obligations on your list. Don’t forget to cross the tasks shortly after completing them. You’ll feel more confident about the move.
Leave bulky furniture and art pieces to specialized movers
If you plan to take artwork from your office with you, then you should consider hiring fine art movers NYC. Packing art pieces can last a bit longer if you do it yourself, while art movers can finish the job much sooner. Furniture is also best to pack and move with the help of skilled movers. Sofas, desks, and other furniture pieces might also require disassembling in a safe way. When you have the movers to help you, the risk of getting injured is minimal to nonexistent.

Moving your business to Manhattan is worth the effort
All these tips will help you minimize downtime during a corporate move in Manhattan. Besides, you’ll also benefit from researching the Manhattan business ecosystem. This will help you stay on track with the moving tasks and keep you motivated. Therefore, take time to remind yourself why moving your business to Manhattan is an excellent decision. First and foremost, Manhattan is one of NYC’s key entrepreneur-friendly hubs. Plus, running a business in the Manhattan area, counts as a major level up. While it might take time until you get used to its fast-paced business environment, the rewards are worth the wait. Therefore, do your best to remain patient, keep going, and soon you’ll be able to restart your business in this amazing part of NYC!