Moving, be it commercial or residential, is always hard. There are so many things you need to think of and plan. But, you will have to do it and that’s why we’ve decided to share our experience with you. Luckily, with the right strategy, you will be able to execute this relocation as easily as possible. We’d like to point out that there will always be unexpected bumps on the road, which is why you need to prepare for them as well. But, all in all, with our guide to moving your business interstate we’re sure you’ll have success. Our movers NYC will share some of their insight today and hopefully help you all out.
Purge the office
As with any other moving process, the first thing you need to do is declutter. You can ask your employees to look at their desks and throw away everything that is trash. We all have a tendency to keep scraps and unnecessary papers in our office desks. If you manage to declutter a good amount of things, you will reduce the load that needs to be moved. Automatically, you will reduce the cost of the relocation as a whole. Even if the price isn’t that important to you and your company, you will still benefit from purging the office.

Throw away everything you no longer use. Look over the many piles of paperwork for any obsolete papers, and throw away used up, broken, or damaged office supplies. Once you relocate to your new destination without any clutter, you will realize why we stressed this step so much. Additionally, you can ask your workers to make inventory lists of their desks. This will make things easier when it comes to unpacking the new office. Also, you can always hire a packing service NYC. Professionals know how to pack up offices in a matter of hours. Instead of wasting your productive time on packing and organizing, you can let the packers take care of it. This is, of course, the more expensive alternative, but in our experience, it is well worth it.
Check your license and permits
Since your business is moving interstate, you will need to update your license and permits. You’re leaving one state and entering the next. You will need to take care of the paperwork well in advance, so your office can establish itself quickly in the new state. Also, if you fail to prepare, you could have additional fees to pay. So, spare the headache, and get to the paperwork!
First, research the license and permits you will need in the new state. Your interstate movers NYC could help you out with this, seeing how they are a functional, licensed business. Never be afraid to ask for help if you’re unsure of something. Your first step can be canceling all of the permits and licenses that you can’t transfer to the new state. Next, provide your state with the official documentation that your business is closing. This step is very important since leaving your licenses to expire naturally could cause you some additional fees. You want to do everything according to the protocol so no one can suddenly send you a fine.
Now all that’s left is to research what your new state requires. Even before the move is finalized, you should start acquiring these permits and licenses. This way as soon as you arrive at your new headquarters, you can continue business as usual.

Create a moving plan and a floor plan
If you’re able to visit the new office, do so. You will want to see the layout and if all of your office furniture and supplies will fit. Usually, offices are approximately close in size, so you will likely have no problems. But, if you are downsizing, you might need smaller desks and chairs, for example. That’s why it’s important to check out the new space and see how you can make it work. Your commercial movers NYC will be able to tell you if the office is too small or not. They are professionals after all, and they can tell just by looking at the room, so use that!
Next, we’d advise you to appoint one of your employees as the moving contact. Moving your business interstate will be so much easier if there is one single person who will oversee the job. You can appoint yourself to this position, or an employee you trust. Of course, they would have to give you constant updates on how everything is going. Their job would basically entail communicating with the movers and organizing the whole process. They will have to ensure everything goes seamlessly and there are no miscommunications.

Notify your clients
This goes without saying, but you need to notify your clients of your move. You can easily do this by arranging a newsletter that will be sent to all of your clients and partners. Mark the e-mail as important, and we’d even advise sending a few e-mails, not just one. People tend to not look over their e-mails carefully and what you’re trying to tell them is very important. In the e-mails mention the new company address as well as the new contact number. This will make sure that everyone is in the loop and can continue their partnership with your company. Now all that’s left is to let your professional movers NYC take care of the relocation and continue the business as usual.
New decor! Why not?
Since you are moving your business interstate, you might enjoy a change of scenery. First off, the office will be different, but you can spice it up even more by investing in some new decor and decorating the new office. This can be a few paintings, new desks, and chairs, or a new lounge. Just remember to have fun.